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Protect the environment!

Every EcoTrail® destination wants to become a precursor in the field of sustainable development, through practical actions and through raising awareness among participants by introducing them to the best practices

Event organizers play a major part in this effort. The initiatives they take at their level of action help sharing success and progress between destinations.

Since the very first edition, organizers have been providing runners with an individual waste disposal pocket where they can leave their waste at the end of the race rather than throwing it on the ground.

Runners can also use dry toilets on several destinations in order to reduce the impact of harmful products on the environment.

In Funchal, eco-responsible showers have been installed at the arrival area two years ago. These showers help cleaning the water after it has been used, thanks to the beneficial effects of plants that sanitize the water and remove products (such as soap) from it.

Our ambitions for EcoTrail® events will always remain high and we will always be looking for sustainable solutions that can be adapted to our events.