Eric, Julie, Colin & Chloé ran the 1st edition of EcoTrail Wicklow. They told us their experience.
What did you choose to run the EcoTrail Wicklow?
Eric: I choose it because I live in the west of Ireland, and I have never visited Wicklow and I thought that this race could be an opportunity to show me these mountains doing what I love to do, run.
Julie: I decided to do Ecotrail Wicklow as I love to get the chance to run somewhere new and there are not many long trail runs near where I live. Also the environmentally conscious ethos is a very positive sign. I love the feeling of freedom that I get when I run in the quiet nature and there were lots of these moments throughout the day.
Colin: I was recommended to try the EcoTrail event by a friend who has done numerous of the events across Europe. I ran it personally to raise funds for a local charity. I opted for the 45km route.
Could you sum up your experience in one word?
Eric: Unforgettable. / Chloé: FANTASTIC!! / Julie: Nature / Colin: Exhilarating!
What's your best memory on the race?
Eric: I was very impressed of this group of runners called "Pompier Raid Aventure" from France, and with orange clothes, carrying a disabled girl on a special wheelchair during the 80km race through the Wicklow mountains. And they did it!! Incredible.
Julie: Reaching the point where I could see Lough Tay was a nice memory. Going over the top of the mountain looking down at Lough Tay was one of my favourite parts. I also liked the quick flat run around Vartry Reservoir. A good turning point.
Chloé: I chose to run the EcoTrail Wicklow because my boyfriend wanted to run it and travel to Ireland was one of my dreams.
What's your prefered part of the course?
Eric: In such a long race I would like to mention three segments. The Bray Head, the Powerscourt waterfall and the Lough Tay. But running in the Powerscourt waterfall was just beautiful.
Chloé: I had a lot of fun running in the forest, around the waterfall and along the bay. Different points of view for great sensations.
Julie: Bray promenade was the perfect location to start and finish the run.
Colin: Powerscourt! From the woods to the waterfall and the whole journey up over the back of it was absolutely incredible! Also the final 5km from the top of Bray Cliff Head to the finish line was breathtaking.
If you have one, what's your next EcoTrail challenge?
Julie: Maybe Paris next. They all look good. I love the concept. It’s a the perfect way to get out of a city for a day.
Colin: Hoping to do Oslo next year!